Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Digital Students Do Not Need Analog Teaching

Effective teaching today consists of being able to bring the technological tools that learners are using outside of the classroom into the educational process. The ability to do this is becoming essentially the difference between motivating and not motivating students. As I have stated many times before, we as educators must not teach digital students with analog methods any longer.

Including social media, such as blogs, wikis, text messaging, and chat rooms, into the classroom are necessary tools in reaching today’s learner. I have included various social media into my curriculum. I teach technology classes, such as computer science, web design, and computing concepts, while one might feel it would be easier to integrate these technology tools into this environment versus an academic setting, I disagree. I still found it necessary to include strategies to better assist my students in using these tools. Without these strategies, there was no structure and students tend to get off task.

My courses are project based and the three C’s are of great importance in being successful. Without having collaboration, communication and content knowledge, students cannot be successful in this type of course or any that integrate online learning. When I consider the strategies I used in the integration of outside technologies into my curriculum, I find that peer evaluations, frequent communication, small group interdependence, and the overall task appropriateness of the project itself are the important factors of success. These strategies allowed the students to understand completely what is expected of them and what the outcome should be.


  1. In viewing your graphic organizer, I noticed peer evaluation related to collaboration. How do you encourage your students to evaluate their peers honestly and accurately? Sometimes, I believe students put the group members’ feelings above true evaluation. What do you think?

  2. Jamie, this is a very thorough posting. What collaborative tool do you use in your classroom? Globster and Google Earth are the tools of choice for my classroom. Unfortunately, my district blocks many helpful sites. This little roadblock has forced me to create two separate lists. One has a list for school and another for independent study. I believe it is the availability of different technology which many people naturally assumes is being used in classrooms. But as you wrote the strategic incorporation must be addressed.

  3. I have to agree with everyone. I am trying to become better with integrating more technology into my classroom. It is harder to do when the equipment isn't available, but that is not an excuse. I do plan to move towards the dynamic side of things if it kills me!!!!
